Australia PR through State Nomination

Australian is a home to many beautiful states and territories, i.e. Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales, etc. All these states run separate visa programs to select the best and brightest immigrants for their respective states.
The key states in Australia nominate the skilled and talented people from overseas for the Australia state nominated visas.
State Nominated Visas in Australia
Two main state nominated visas of Australia fall under General Skilled Migration (GSM) Program.
The GSM program of Australia is based on a point system, which is based on some key selection factors, such as, age, work experience, English proficiency, education, etc.
Hence, both these visas are point tested skilled Visa categories, which means to apply these visas, you need to score good points on online SkillSelect System of Australia, based on the mentioned selection factors, i.e. work experience, education, etc.
The minimum points an applicant need to score are 65 points. Find below the popular state nominated visas in Australia:
Skilled Nominated Visa Subclass 190
Subclass 190 Visa is a point tested skilled permanent visa that allows the state nominated skilled workers to live, work and study anywhere in Australia. As mentioned above it’s a point tested visa, hence, an applicant need to score well to get enough points to receive invitation for this visa.
Since it’s a state nominated visa, you also get valuable points for getting nomination from a state or territory government in Australia.
How to Apply State Nominated Subclass 190 Visa?
Here is the stepwise process to apply state nominated Subclass 190 visa:
- Acquire the necessary documents, i.e. Skill Assessment report and IELTS test for English Proficiency
- Submit EOI (Expression of Interest) in online SkillSelect System of Australia
- Get the nomination for the visa from a state or territory government in Australia
- Need to score minimum 65 points in the system to qualify as an applicant
- Higher the points stronger are your chance of getting Invitation to Apply (ITA) to apply for visa from Department of Home Affairs Australia.
- Acquire ITA based on your good points score
- Once ITA is received need to submit complete application and document’s for Australia PR within 60 days
- If your application and documents are found correct you will get approval of PR visa
Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa
Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa: This is a new visa subclass that has replaced the 489 visa since November 16, 2019. This new 491 visa subclass is a points tested, skilled visa with 5 years validity period.
With this visa, you can live, study or work in any regional area of Australia except, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. With this visa, Perth and Gold Coast are also now being classified as regional areas.
After spending the 3 years in regional area, you can apply for Subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional), which allocate you permanent residence status.
How to apply for 491 Visa Subclass?
Since this visa is also the part of GSM Visa Categories, the process for it remains the same as subclass 190 visa accept for the fact that applicant need to obtain nomination to live in regional part or sponsorship from eligible family members in Australia to live in designated area in Australia.
If you have any query about Australia state nominated visa categories, you may send your queries to our Australia migration expert at e-mail id- Keep visiting the Australia PR Avenue website to find the latest updates, information, rule changes, and news with regards to Australia permanent residency visa.